Anchoring in Walvis Bay

So, this could have been another trip report, but we have really been quite locally stationed here in the harbor for the past 1+ week. It has been really good for us, as we rushed out of Cape Town, and didn’t really get a lot of time to do some of the prep work for our journey – like storing all of the stuff on the boat on the best places it most makes sense, downloading books to our Kindles, downloading our favorite Netflix shows, etc.

So, we have been spending quite some time at the Walvis Bay Yacht Club locked up to their wifi. They have been very accommodating to us, and even when we blew out one of their electrical sockets due to having too many chargers jammed into one socket, they were most helpful with setting us up with even better charging capabilities.

Carine has also spent some time working on a project for a plastics recycling company. She is learning a lot about ocean plastics pollution, which we hope we can leverage somehow during our journey.

We have gotten around to do some sightseeing, though. We have visited Swakopmund and also climbed the highest sand dune in Namibia, Dune 7. And, of course we have visited Flamingo Lagoon, which is right next to the yacht club.

This has been a very relaxing stay, and we are looking forward for our next passage, which is a 8-10 day sail to St. Helena. Please follow our passage and the captain’s logbook on our Predict Wind tracker.

Sunset from the anchor site.
On top of Dune7

Quite a steep climb to the top of Dune 7
Flamingo Lagoon
Drinks with the Sea Shepherd crew
Finally time for some boat projects