Registration of the first new Norwegian Leopard

According to our Leopard representative, Noxoma is in fact the first new Norwegian catamaran they have delivered, and we are quite proud of that!

There is really no need to register your boat in the ship register from where you are from, and many countries are open for anyone to register their boat with them. The benefits we get from being registered in NOR (the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register) are okay, and we have not really considered registering our boat in another country.

As our boat is more than 15 meters by the waterline (in fact 15.4 meters), all Norwegian owned vessels of that size and upwards are subject to mandatory registration. Registering a vessel of more than 15 meters is quite a tedious affair, and we are currently in the middle of the process. You can read more about the required steps on this informational page from NOR.

Another milestone was reached today, as we received our calling signal from NIS; it is JXOJ, Juliet – X-Ray – Oscar – Juliet.

We think it looks kind of cool 😎