South Africa is known for their great quality and good priced wines. Coming from a country with little wine production (yes, Norway actually has some vineyards, believe it or not!) we had to take a tour of the impressive Cape Wineland just outside Cape Town.
We spent one day in the Stellenbosch area, and also had a few visits to vineyards the day we also went to Cape of Good Hope.
As all globe trotting sailors know, access to wine in the tropics is not the greatest. Therefore, we figured we might as well stock up on wines, and ensure we had some good wine with us from day one. We ended up with 138(!!!!) bottles of wine….

Our storage unit in Cape Town quickly became filled up with more than just our luggage….
Some of you may wonder if we are planning to drink a lot when we are sailing, and we are actually not. When we are at sea, we practice 100% sobriety. So, we imagine that all of the wine bought will last for quite some time! And, perhaps we can use it for barter trading with other sailors along the way 🙂
The most impressive vineyard we visited was for sure The Oldenburg estate. It’s location in a valley with beautiful mountain views, and is just astonishing. We would stay there for a night or two in a heartbeat. We will most certainly come back for another visit when we return to Cape Town in a few months!

The Oldenburg Estate